THIQAH Highlights 2020
THIQAH Highlights | 2020 Webinar on The Impact of COVID - 19 on The Insurance of Investment and Export Credit for Stregthening Intra-oic Trade and Investment (13 July 2020) Casablanca, Morocco (Webinar) Startups Virtual Pitch Competition in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, UAE (23 September 2020) Webinar (UAE) Learning and Knowledge Sharing Platform for “The Covid - 19 Pandemic Preparedness and Response in African Countries” (28 July 2020) Webinar by IsDB and ISFD IsDB, ISFD, UNDP and development partners organize a CSOs mapping workshop in Kazakhstan (01 October 2020) Webinar (Kazakhstan) Introductory Workshop for CSOs in Indonesia on the IsDB and ISFD NGO Empowerment for Poverty Reduction Program (07 October 2020) Webinar (Indonesia) Introductory Workshop for CSOs in Tunisia on the “IsDB - ISFD NGO Empowerment for Poverty Reduction Program” (12 October 2020) Webinar (Tunisia) 12